This is Coco. I look at her and could sink into their vision ...
she sleeps. She sleeps the kitten dream that all small cats dream when their eyes have not yet opened. What do they dream? Your life? If they get in this stage of key information from the cats play up sky? They receive incredibly important contracts for their earthly existence? Learning they will all connect to their future owners, including secret information that the owners are not yet known, but their cat to the day? I think it looks so attentive. So concentrated. At the same time very relaxed. Perhaps it is also still on their journey here, in our world, in their lives. And crosses just Sphere ....
I needed to find something to their name. The man had chosen his and I was allowed to select the mine. I confess that I have dreamed of herb names. When I was 17, I've heard of an elderly woman (probably it was then in her 40s like me today), every evening at feeding time in the garden and her cats was called: "! Basiliskum oregano thyme sage" This time I was very impressed. And do it today. The man found this idea in principle however hideous, until there was a brief moment, as Estragon as the name in conversation. For the partner of Vladimir Estragon in "Waiting for Godot" is. Tarragon, hm, yes, fine, but for a girl?
Then I thought of Rasa. This is Lithuanian, is pronounced as 'Rassa' and is called 'tau'. The man but found that after the 'crass' and 'rage' sounds and is simply unappealing. So Miranda? Or Fanny? No, COCO!
means Supposedly the "naughty girl". But really this is just the stage name of Gabrielle Bonheur Coco Chanel Chasnel alias, French fashion designer and founder of the Chanel fashion empire. Hm, yes, true we have big plans for our cats ...
I do not know exactly why Coco ... It should be something short, funny, hilarious and somewhat idiosyncratic. And the brown of her coat reminds me of a coconut. And the smell of fresh extra virgin coconut oil is part of the most scrumptious thing I know. And I look at her. And look at her. And am Basically happy that they do not live with me around the corner, but 400 kilometers away. So I can make them all grow in peace. And I sink per photo in her beautiful face dreaming ....