Thursday, December 30, 2010

How To Get Temperature Gradient

Small cat greets ....

This is a Message from Vladimir kitten to all sweet (young) girls and boys out there who could sink their hands already in his fluffy fur.

will be sovereign in children cat character that is only fully realized. If they come in and stormed the cheer: "A cat pounce on him, he will lie quietly on the sofa and awaits the loving care with great composure. Carefully observe the children in how they are silky smooth skin crawl, stroke, fondle and even kiss in it!
Meanwhile, Coco has, for the first sight of guests has disappeared behind the sofa, long since run away. Vladimir remains in place. And is only when other adults they think could mitstreicheln. No way! Kids Only!

A special greeting to Milena and Arne, my niece and my nephew. Milena and Vladimir have during their visit here for hours playing in the garden together. Milena has worked with a fishing game one (formerly;) moved here) white plush mouse (see photo) behind and Vladimir always running. For hours. And if Olympic Vladimir wanted, Milena has discreetly kept a little distance and watched to page! Arne and has even managed to play the shy Coco and had a very special hour of cuddling with Vladimir, where he held out this räckelnd the belly!

But a very, very special greeting to the little Romina, which has helped to make our two cats, so cuddly, friendly and tame animals. For what we - their familiar staff - As Coco is the largest cuddly in the world. And thanks to both their excellent socialization and thus Romina!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Miosotis In Bathtub With Milena Velba Free

60 technical arguments against

collection of 60 arguments against Stuttgart 21 on safety and Traffic

There are political and structural engineering, urban and other arguments against Stuttgart 21 If the project would bring for the rail passengers a benefit, we could talk about some of these problems. But unfortunately, this project will worsen the security of rail passengers, and also bring traffic from a technical perspective next few advantages, a number of disadvantages, as is a dismantling of the infrastructure. Here is a - certainly incomplete - collection of these safety and traffic case against Stuttgart 21 You can get the pdf files of the graphics with the author.

There is this collection as a pdf printer-friendly document .

A The total area of Feuerbach Wendlingen
B The connection of the railway station north
C Central Station
D The connection of the main station to the south
E The airport station
F The new Wendlingen - Ulm
security -related arguments red are marked. Among these 14 arguments, there is additional text in the security flyer in the mail on 5 February is found.

A The total area of Feuerbach Wendlingen
A1 The basic idea for all connections to Stuttgart main station (Figure A1) new tunnels with a total length 55 km / 9 / to build without a geographical necessity, for the following reasons to refuse / 15 /:
A fire in a tunnel
- the temperature rises to higher levels than in fires in the open,
- the flight of people by the strong concentration of smoke greatly hindered,
- firefighters needed to rescue and fire fighting much longer than normal fires.
case of fire damage, as the 1996 and 2008 fires show in € Tunnel to expect month-long closures of the tunnel that will hamper the rail system in Southern Germany massively. But this argument is only sufficient for the setting of the project.
A2 The management of long-distance traffic on the regional airport of Stuttgart or to the Regional Fair Stuttgart is unnecessary to express S-Bahn is a cost effective alternative (See Figure A2).
A3 prevent the closure of Gäubahn the S-Bahn-emergency operation of Vaihingen disturbances in the S-Bahn-Tunnel (see Figure A3)
A4 Gäubahn The closure of an emergency prevents disturbances in Filderstadt tunnel. (See Figure A4)
A5 The leadership of many of the lines to Wendlingen Filder plateau leads to unnecessary ups and downs with increased energy consumption (see picture)
A6 Bad Cannstatt is out of key regional routes ( Tübingen and direction from the direction Göppingen) not hit directly.
A7 The argument of the proponents, with Stuttgart 21 through bonds would allow for regional traffic, is false, because these are already possible with the existing station. See also C4.
A8 The distances between the rescue tunnel of the two tunnel tubes (cross passage distance) is 500 m high. The large gap makes it difficult to escape in case of fire and hampered the rescue operation in case of accidents.
examples of the cross-passage distances of other single-track tunnels:
- Perthus tunnel between France and Spain: 200 m
- Great Belt rail tunnel (Denmark, under the sea): 250 m, length 8024 m
- Guadarrama tunnel (Longest tunnel Spain): 250 m,
- Gotthard Base Tunnel (the longest tunnel in the world): 325 m,
- Euro Tunnel (Channel): 375 m.
A9 The depth of the central station is followed by uphill leading tunnels with a potential hazard associated with reduced rolling train parts (error scenario: part of the train, for example by derailment, and failure of the brakes of the downhill train part)
A10 The subway station may may not be traveled with railcars with internal combustion engine. The
not on the electrified railway line Tübingen - Sigmaringen - Aulendorf border traffic tilting trains do not work - as now - enter the station. The passengers from this region must change. Another example: Southern Railway, which consists of direct connection Friedrichshafen - Biberach - Stuttgart [11]
A11 Despite the high investment amount for the S21 to be built railway lines for freight use is not new.

B The connection of the railway station north
B1 The rush to Stuttgart (from Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Heidelberg, Heilbronn, and almost all cities in the north of Main Line) is passed only through a single access track from Feuerbach. A blockade of this track will have serious impact on the railway. Today, to switch to S-Bahn tracks (see Figure 1). K21 is planning two additional tracks.
B2 as demanded by Prof. Heimerl connection between the two tunnel entrances in the north, called the P-option could mitigate the effects of the bottleneck Feuerbacher tunnel. It is not currently scheduled. That called for both by Prof. Heimerl and by Heiner Geissler (see Figure B2).

C Central Station
C1 The skew risk of 15 per thousand Platform Users (rolling stroller etc.).
C2 The slope of 15 per thousand is unsafe for brake failures or mistakes of drivers and may lead to train collisions / 5 /.
C3 The inclination of 15 parts per thousand parts and makes impossible strengths of trains.
C4 The slope of 15 per thousand makes a "turning brake test" impossible, that trains can not contact / 1 /. This leads to strong restrictions of the Roadmap, as the incoming train, for example, from the north (eg from Nuremberg), exit to the north can not (for example, to Karlsruhe). Even in this situation more difficult path interference route rescheduling.
C5 The use of the station with its many stairs is difficult for disabled users, compared to a terminal station.
C6 The construction principle "platform transitions" (with a height of about 6 - 7 m) leads to unnecessarily high levels of stairs and elevators in comparison to a solution with platform-subways.
C7 connected with the high frequency of the narrow platforms leads to crowding on the platforms.
C8 The recent rescheduling of the platform steps regarding the safe distance between the rails reduced the stair width to 2.35 m [10]. Larger crowd on the stairs and above will be the result. In an emergency, eg fire, up and down fleeing people rushing rescue teams will want to use the narrow staircase at the same time, which will lead to chaos.
C9 The small number of 8 tracks, preventing change for the ITF principle.
C10 The small number of 8 tracks leading to shortages of blocked tracks, since no alternate tracks available.
C11 The small number of 8 tracks makes it difficult to create a powerful road map, refer to "mediation".
C12 The station with 8 tracks with reasonable cost is not expandable to more tracks, long-term extensions are impossible.
C13 The planned measures for fire protection are inadequate. Toxic smoke moves by the proposed flue openings from inadequate sources:. / 6 / / 12 /
C14 No stabling close to the platforms. Justification: See / 7 / page 8
C15 emergency vehicles the fire department and other emergency vehicles (ambulance, etc.) can not go directly as in above-ground station located on the platforms / 12 /.
C16 The track plan of the subway station has a serious line of conflict. At the same incoming trains to cross at the railway station in east-west direction, must either wait at the entrance or exit, until the other train left the track field. This applies to both directions (North-South and South-North) and complicates the design schedule with an argument that puts forward the DB to end stations. Source: / 13 /

D The connection of the main station south
D1 ... D10 bottlenecks in the Filder, 6 bolts and 4 worm from film 11 / 2 /
D11 ... D18 bottleneck Wendlinger curve, 4 bolts and 4 worm from film 21 / 3 /
D19 Illegal safe distance (0.8 m instead of 1.2 m) for ICE trains to narrow the train tunnel on the Filder. This leads to fire for the fire to serious problems. [8] For the small tunnel diameter was granted an exemption / 14 /.
D20 Unfortunately during the height Filder tunnel. The 160 m difference in height may not be as usual with new lines, approached optimum time of swing. See / 7 /, page 12
D21 The water line in Filderstadt tunnel is usually empty. According to calculations by experts, a charge to have fire-fighting water, take 40 minutes. / 12 /

E The airport station

E1 create confusion at the airport two railway stations for rail passengers because trains run on both stations.
E2 Transfer between both stations is up to the ground, long walk down and connected into the ground.
E3 The new underground station at the airport is located 26 m depth, it provides for disabled persons in case of power failure or no fire escape.
E4 The trip to the airport is increased by the long climb lasting more than six escalators and the long walk to the terminal.
E5 The existing two-track S-Bahn station at the airport is to be modified so that it comprises two single-track rail lines will contain. / 13 /
for the S-Bahn is only one track available, the other will be accessible only to local and long distance trains. (Reason for this problem are the different car floor heights of S-Bahn and Regional-/Fernbahn). The two single-track routes will lead to severe restrictions on the operating flexibility and to problems in timetabling. Example: Today may delay caused two commuter trains, for example, in two directions at the station to keep the same time. That will no longer be possible. The second train will have to wait outside the station and create further delays.

F The New Wendlingen - Ulm
F1 The new line is for freight trains with a weight of more than 1000 tons impassable.
F2 The new line has a higher top than at 160 m, the existing line. This leads to unnecessary energy consumption.
F3 The new line is steeper with 35 per thousand than the existing route (Geislinger increase of 22.5 per thousand).
F4 The statement that the new line to make room for freight trains on the existing line is relative, since the existing route is unpopular in comparison to alternatives because of its steepness and unprofitable for private cars.
F5 are some single-bore double track tunnels are planned, the meetings of ICE allow freight trains is not due to the excessive aerodynamic problems. [4]

sum of the arguments
on 31/01/2011. 10A + 2B + 14C + 20D + 4E + 5F = 55 argum, of which 12 safety
on 04/02/2011. 11A + 2B + 15C + 21D + 4E = 5F + 58 argum, including 14 safety
on 02/13/2011: 11A + 2B + 16C + 21D + . 4E 5F + = 59 argum, including 14 safety
on 02/15/2011: 11A + 2B + 16C + 21D + 5E + 5F = 60 argum, including . 14 safety

[1] Sven Andersen: Problem in Stuttgart 21 points and speed railway line Stuttgart - Ulm. International Railway Review, Issue 10/2010. Link
[2] Boris Palmer: Stuttgart 21 - removal or dismantling of the rail? Facts arbitration on 29/10/2010 Link
[3] Boris Palmer: Stuttgart 21 - Expansion or Dismantling of the rail? Facts arbitration Stuttgart 21 on 27/11/2010 Link
[4] key messages of the report to the new line. Open the document of 8 September 2010. Link
[5] discussion of longitudinal inclination of the station during Geissler Fact Check on 20.11. link to video 12
[6] Hans Heydemann: Security Technical Comparison in case of fire, underground station S21 - terminal station K21, film set for on 6 Date of the facts check. Link
[7] representation of the operational shortcomings of the project Stuttgart 21, advice the Vieregge - RÖSSLER GmbH Munich, August 2008
[8] ARD report broadcast on 01/10/2011 on deficiencies in fire protection engineering at DB projects in Munich and Stuttgart 21 Link
[9] Hany Azer, Bastian Engel: Stuttgart 21 and NBS Wendlingen-Ulm. Technical paper in the journal Tunnel, No. 7 / 2009. Link Hany Azer is head of the major project Stuttgart 21 - Wendlingen-Ulm
[10] Press release of the Barrier Free Initiative. Link
[11] Stuttgart 21 goes to the country. Press article in the southwest of the expansion of resistance to S21. 2. . Link
Feb. 2011 [12] Stuttgart 21 subway station: "security" is lowercase. Flyer the information campaign.
[13] "Stuttgart 21-plus: More Tunnel - who should pay for it. publication the passenger association Pro Bahn in "The passenger, Issue 1, 2011
[14] Filder station ... Minister granted exemption Stuttgarter Nachrichten of 06/23/2010
[15] Markus Kraft: fire protection systems of underground transport. seminar talk in 1997 at the University of Wuppertal.

And after so much technology here still an important argument for political discussions:
who believes the S21's supporters, the project was democratically wrong, are vastly researched how Andreas Zielcke of the Süddeutsche Zeitung:
The incurable lack
Along the same lines of products by Kerstin's Federation in time:
Stuttgart 21 - Tricked and dressing down. Link

change list of blogs
01/06/2011: New image of the S21 deep station Stuttgart
01/07/2011: Argument added A8 and C13. New total: 52 arguments
01/08/2011: Oblique station image improved
09/01/2011: Argument C14 and D20 added. New total: 54 arguments
01/11/2011: Argument D19 clarified and provided with current video-link.
14/01/2011: added argument A9. New total: 55 arguments
corrected total tunnel length in Argument A1 to 55 km
Tunnel length in station corrected graphic.
01/27/2011 argument C8 Low staircase width of 2.35 m clarified.
01.28.2011 Photos from B1 and B2 added.
images with no argument. added.
added 01/30/2011 image for D11, introduced Perthus tunnel at A8.
Image for A6 (Bad Cannstatt) inserted. 01/31/2011 argument B2alt
away. For this argument A10 (diesel ban) inserted. 02/02/2011
image A8 (crosscut spacing in internat.Vgl.) Added 02/03/2011
heading of "transportation infrastructure" in "on security and transport, as amended. 02/03/2011
Safety arguments numbers red marks.
04/02/2011 arguments A11, C15 and D21 added. New total: 58 13/02/2011
argument inserted C16: 59 added 15.02.2011
argument E5: New sum. New total: 60
added 02/16/2011 image for E3 02/19/2011 At
A8 Great Belt rail tunnel, Q-distance 250 m completed
19/02/2011 argument A1 reformulated.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ideas For A Acrostic Percent Poem

S21 Start of the blog

to create a collection of at least 50 arguments against the project Stuttgart 21 in this blog. Maybe this could be a document with many graphics provided, perhaps even a little book.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Illinois Driver's License Template

After some time I once again a photo of what I would like to upload.

Location: Croatia / Novi Vinodolski

Monday, December 13, 2010

Live Large Big House 5 Cars Song


PRESS CONFERENCE 01.18.2011 Dresden Hygiene Museum

MDR1 review in Science Magazine on 24/01/2011

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Play Pokemon Red Online With Saves

Andritzki. Confession. To build the installation

The installation is darkened and a multi-part : wooden posts, barbed wire and lamps stand for the imprisonment in a concentration camp, hold the mirror to the viewer to rethink his own position - to mirrored. The supplied materials and stones carry on the dark brown soil the feeling of being defenseless on the ground in the real environment. He will be expanded as exhibition space and can be summarized in the effect, in which one fills the bottom with soil, sand, straw or chopped, dark newspaper or rags. radiate the end of a film running through (21:01 minutes) the lamps in the front of the building. We see the installation in the German-Sorbian Theatre.

The review of Daniel Jens Schubert, dradio culture, focuses in particular on the importance of building

Friday, December 3, 2010

Saturday Night Live -what's My Name Skit

hangover search image

Wladimir has chosen this place after careful consideration. Maybe he's on the mind that he is currently out there, constantly on the road without disguise to be: It is consistent with snow. * Ggg *