Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lorena Herrera Desnud Fotos


On Sunday I decided that the running season 2011 definitely needs a reboot. After I dragged over the lack of motivation that is successful in the new year, I have always talked out in January for not running found: too tired, too late, too wet, too cold, too smooth to do too much .....

Besides the lack of motivation, I have also imported the irrepressible candy consumption from the holiday season into January. Together with one point absolutely deplorable aberration, especially because the first slow stretch pants again.

So I decided on Sunday that this has to change again, and now are no more excuses. And since I was now running again and has even been fun and I motivated it was, I want a few tips for a successful reboot share:

yield 1) As long as the bastard until the conscience is so bad that It is simply no other way
2) make that change right now, what needs to occur immediately in the ass and start running.
3) take immediately after the season planning framework: HM at 26.6, M at 9.10..
4) concrete plans: training schedules out looking. Start date of the plan are calculated (including training plans usually 10-12 weeks). With the other fixed points in match (and thereby find that everything fits perfectly ideal for the holiday planning)
5) is run again and continue this dream in the mind of the best times.

So I am determined to leave Florida lay the foundations to get started on their return to the HM training. After inserting the HM recovery phase, which includes the MeckPom stay, start after returning to training for a marathon.

So on we go. Phase 1 is already running ....

Guats Nächtle


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