Saturday, August 21, 2010

How To Lower Total Billiruben

Only five hours ...

Before the cat came to us five days of course we have our friends, relatives and neighbors told of them. All love very, very well-meaning people to whom it was an expression of their affection and rejoicing with us, "future cat parents" and especially entitle me with "Cat Mama". The "Katzenvati" they have saved the man to happiness.

me these songs have met with surprise every time. I had a cat once (20 years) and then for our survival mode, the heading "common base camp" found. My cat was very independent. So do I. He led his life. I mean. From time to time they met on common Streichelstunden, naps and meals. Once he stole me from my plate ribs and snarled and hissed at me as if I wanted to get back to me. Otherwise we had a very peaceful co-existence. Very respectful. How he had loved me (as seen from human point of view) I only became clear when I saw him years later, after I had moved away to study and left him with my parents, during a visit at home watching as he purred in my laundry buried and devoted mewed and tretelte.

Common base camp - that was roughly my idea when I was five days in the afternoon in the car got in, which stood in the back of the shipping box with the two kittens. Both were 14 weeks and a few days old, old enough to Meiunung the cat experts to be separated from their mother and begin a new life.

Vladimir had from the first moment of lying down relaxing in the quiet and waited Tranportbox of the things that comes up. Coco, the house is a kind of sensitive nature of freedom, ran from one corner to another, and then sat down too. Carefully watching the scenery rushing past the windows. But otherwise remained quiet. Very well, we thought. That's easy, we thought. Finally, a four to five hours long road ahead of us.

some point after an hour the two must be well realized that this is not just an unpleasant and uncomfortable episode in her life, but that the whole matter was longer and more strenuous than they had imagined at the beginning. And perhaps even more frightening. Vladimir was the first person called. A very pathetic, very kleinkätzisches elongated Meow. In the Coco eventually concurred. I can not say with certainty, of course, but I think she cried for her pack. And in Vladimir, I think I have not seen the mom-and reputation for which he is known since his first days of life. It was certainly heartbreaking. And so it was that we approached the next parking bay to deliver the two water that they did not persuade them to calm and to lick our fingers.

fact, it has calmed the - at least for a while. The trip went on. Coco got up at some point a real mad. I think you have to create a corner of the (already generous) box and a lack of exercise more made as Vladimir. Coco moaned and hung upside down with all fours on the bars. There was only that she shook them dramatically. She wailed and wailed, while I was driving and it was suddenly impossible to observe the speed limit of 80 mph. 80 km / hour! On the highway! Completely covered! So confusing, the site really was not - Luckily there were no speed controls.

Again we stopped. Again, no one wanted to drink water, but only tell in peace, what a crap there to squat in a Tranportbox, but if you really hunt and play and run wants. Once again they were quiet. As broke after four hours of the night, they were rolled and curled up and slept together. Or did at least Sun Just before the finish there was a round of plaintive, questioning meow. And I am ashamed not to report that I started two new from her home to tell and to assure them insinuating voice indeed, that we really are right there and then have it done and get something delicious to eat and all that good, and if it is not good, is at least a good thing after all. Very, very soon ..... When we finally arrived

after five hours of driving at night in our home, the transformation was complete. Our Transformation that the People: From independent, more or less self-centered, constantly have to themselves and their work circular intellectuals two good cats become pack leader, whose first thought when waking up the morning is the kittens. And the second thought constantly about the excrements of these kittens stray: to cat poop!

because the two have manufactured since the first piles into our home almost exclusively bright, sometimes smelly completely self, his report of which is still. And because I have two days until half past three in the morning clock searched in various forums cats. And since I am the very first time on a properly Shitty, elegant dark brown sausages was happy really, it's official: You may now call me all the cats mother.


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