Sunday, October 10, 2010

Endangered Species Panda


the end of the great ideas of the marathon's last posts still about what recovery.

First and foremost I would like to point out that I'm actually free of pain since Thursday. The muscle that has forced me three days, the stairs to my apartment to walk backwards down when I wanted to leave the house and gone.

However that is probably not mean that all is well again. Supposedly sets up less than 42 km run considerable damage mainly in the muscles, that Sufficient healing time required.

According to my mentor Achim Achilles there should be a rule of thumb that says that you should plan for the marathon for everyone MUCH km a day for recovery.

regeneration is not, fortunately, that I now have six weeks sitting on the sofa. Man should only reduce the training volume, screw the back interval training, not necessarily the same schedule the next run. And I can live with.

would only give quite a shame. Finally, is currently the most beautiful fall weather at all and there is nothing like running a small fall on the Isar. Really great. Colorful autumn leaves, blue Sky and the Isar water is just so clear that you can count every pebble on the bottom. I mean, the first two loose light workouts I've already behind me. After all, after the marathon just before the next race.

Guats Nächtle.


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