Today 2 weeks is the Köln Marathon. So final sprint in the preparation. Actually is introduced on this day the "tapering". This is the stage before the race, in which the amount of exercise is screwed down significantly, so that the poor battered bodies can recover from the exertions of the last few weeks.
I have already started with the tapering this week. Forced. After I had two weeks ago and still have great training last weekend, the 3.5 h running even integrated into the busy schedule at home this week hurt the foot. Specifically, the foot. Unfortunately, helps the whole mess-Voltaren almost no date. The pain is only slightly improved.
research on the net have also been rather unproductive. First, I am only in some Medical forums landed. Fortunately, I'm not particularly great hypochondriac, because what I've read since this sounded more like amputation than after ointment. Entirely unknown, the pain does not seem to be running in the various forums. Only I was not really smart of it. Seems no doubt to come from the laces of the shoe.
have Anyway, I once again noticed that when I held a week of running, would rather unpleasant and unbalanced and that my back is on once again very tight and I again have to constantly engage the headache. And that to me. Who would have guessed two years ago? And who would have thought that running has such a big potential for addiction?
order in this week not to dispense with training I have taken over the weekend the trainer from the dusty corner and sat down on bike's. Result: Yesterday 1.5 hours today, strong 3 hours. And I have 7 episodes, "Lost" look to see that I have in the past Ausstrahungsrunde on cable while a recorded but never seen and which I now, just before the start of next season, finally had to catch up. Actually not soo bad replacement. However, now I'm hurt even the butt. But I guess the pain goes on its own again.
However, I am next week, once a date to get in sports medicine. Would indeed be good if this stupid inflammation in the foot to have vanished in 2 weeks.
Guats Nächtle.
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